High accuracy Schering bridge for the measurement of capacitance and dielectric dissipation factor (tan d) for the characterization of dielectric insulators, calibration of standards and manufacturing test of all industrial equipment. Main Characteristics
- - Measuring range: 500 V to 2000 kV
- - Resolution Tan d: 1.10-6
- - Accuracy Tan d: < 1.10-5
- - Resolution Capacitance: 0,0001 pF
- - Accuracy Capacitance: 0,05% à 0,02%
After more than 80 years of design and production of measuring bridges of all types including Schering Bridges, Vettiner now offers the broadest range of Schering bridges in the world.
Vettiner is also the inventor of the automatic Schering bridge as well as the inventor of the zero indicator oscilloscope (Patented) to balance to zero simultaneously amplitude and phase relative to a reference standard.
The Schering bridge is an AC bridge and relies in its original design on the structure of the Wheatstone bridges, including a branch of decades of resistance is replaced by a branch of decade capacitances.
One of the major interests of its design lies precisely in its ease of calibration and the associated economic character as it only requires the calibration of passive components which are resistors and capacitors, which also fits perfectly in the knowledge of Vettiner.
The measurement bridge is a comparative method that uses a high voltage capacitor reference standard determined by the maximum voltage tests to perform and the ability of devices to be tested.
Bridges Schering are used as a means of very sharp and very accurate characterization of the state of the dielectric insulation used in medium and high voltage, their new condition and also their degree of aging.
Bridges Schering are used by national testing laboratories, independent private high voltage and industrial laboratories, manufacturers and repairers of power transformers and measurement, generators, power engines, and cable manufacturers and operators of national and local electrical networks, including in-house industrial networks.
Depending on the application and user wishes, Schering bridges can be delivered in racks to be integrated in test stations cabinets, cabinet rack on table or in waterproof laptop bag for mobile field applications within industrial sites or operating sites.